Upper Hutt Musical Theatre’s Annual General Meeting for 2022 is coming up on Wednesday 9th of March at 7:30pm. This is being held at Upstage Theatre, 26A Moonshine Road Upper Hutt. If you are interested in joining the committee and keeping up to date on UHMT’s plans and past years achievements come along and see what is happening!
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Conflicts of interest
4. Minutes
5. Correspondence
6. President’s report
7. Treasurer’s report
8. Subscriptions /Membership
9. Elections
a. Office holders – 5 Vacancies
b. Executive committee – 4 Vacancies
c. Patron/s
d. Honorary solicitor
e. Auditor / Reviewer
10. Notices of motion
11. General business
The AGM is an opportunity to:
Review the achievements and financials for 2021.
Elect the 2022 committee. All 2021 members are encouraged to attend. All notices of motion must be made in writing and received by the secretary no later than the 1st March 2022.
Post to:
Upper Hutt Musical Inc.
P O Box 40861
Upper Hutt 5140
Attention: Secretary
Please note:
Upper Hutt Musical Theatre requires everyone 12+ to have a vaccine passport available to be scanned, prior to entering the building. We also encourage you to wear a face mask. We thank you for your understanding.